
Minutes from the Ring 8 Executive Board Meeting on Tuesday, June 17, 2008

The monthly executive board meeting of the Veteran Boxers Association, Ring 8, was held from 6:00 P.M. to 7:00 P.M. on Tuesday, June 17, 2008, at the Waterfront Crab House in Long Island City, New York. The following board members were in attendance: Henry Wallitsch, Bobby Bartels, Bob Duffy, Robert Mladinich, Matt Farrago, Jack Hirsch, Howie Albert, Henry Hascup, Johnny Breitenbruck, Bill Tate, John Labate and Jim Monteverdi.

The following items were discussed:

1. Henry Hascup showed a prototype for a new Ring 8 web site. It was decided that Ring 8 would allot the funds to build and maintain the web site and that Jack Hirsch and Bob Mladinich would be responsible for supplying material and maintaining site.

2. There were discussions on a proposed monument with a boxing theme to be placed at Yankee Stadium. Board members also discussed visiting a former fighter named Kenny Schlatter (phonetic), a reported double leg amputee who is believed to be residing in a Queens nursing home.

3. Bob Mladinich informed the board of a letter written on Ring 8 letterhead to the family of former boxer Carlo Mendola in Florida, who celebrated his 80th birthday on June 14, 2008. Mladinich read the thankful response that was written to Ring 8 by the Mendola family.

4. Discussions centered on the logistics involved in the 2008 Christmas party, including when/where the affair would be held and who would organize it. It was determined that a special board meeting would be convened in July or August 2008 to determine those facts.

5. Discussions on changing bylaws of organization in order to lessen restrictions on eligibility of members to run for executive positions at Ring 8 in the future

Submitted by:
Robert Mladinich
Executive board member
June 20, 2008

There were no executive board meetings scheduled for July or August 2008

Posted under Meeting Notes

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