Archive for September, 2004


MEETING NOTES: September 21, 2004

First meeting back from Summer break
The Kid Gavilan headstone donation drive was a success, with Tony Nap raising over the limit for giving the “Kid” a proper resting place. Many thanks to all contributors!

Ring 8 has just completed its first half century of existence, this meeting inaugurates the next 50 years. For all the champions that entered the room, the meetings, and the parties, the memories are plentiful. We only hope that the next 50 matches the previous.

According to Ring 8 President Tony Mazzarella, the cost to move the body (presently at a “potter’s field” unmarked grave) to a place in the cemetery that can place a headstone is $6000. The headstone costs around $5000. Ron Ross spoke , who gave Gavilan’s eulogy, spoke briefly on the details of the day that the headstone will be unveiled. Mike Tyson and many other boxing people plan to attend. The only thing pending is consent from family. VIEW FULL STORY…

Posted under Meeting Notes